Friday, October 25, 2013

Pragmatic Ways a Woman Could Keep the House in a Divorce; This is When a Mortgage is Involved

     The reason many divorcing couples with kids, unfortunately sell the house, is that there is usually a mortgage, which may already have another loan on it, which is what the case was with ours in 1995, when my husband and I split up.
     I lived in the house, a beautiful house which he built, for a year before we got divorced, and it sold.  I went to the divorce and house closing without him, because he had already moved to Colorado, two-thousand miles away.  His share of the money after mortgages were paid was sent to him fed ex, I believe.
     The problem is that when the husband moves out, and has to pay for another place, sometimes another family, as well as paying child support, and possibly alimony, he would have difficulty helping to pay the mortgage. 
     In my case, I had worked at home for quite a few years, as a receptionist in his business, plus I did taxes and bookkeeping, wrote payroll checks, taking out taxes from the charts, took care of household bills, as well as business bills, but I had no real job training.  I had had jobs in dress shops and singing, a little modeling, fashion show kind of things in a local dress shop, for the Women's Show.  I took care of kids, cleaned house, took the older one to activities like soccer and cub scouts, even was a den mother, and my husband den father for a while.
     What happened in my case, was that without a lot of earning ability, I felt I could not keep a double mortgaged house.  My husband had been extravagant, and while the mortgage all together was not huge, I still felt it was steep.
     But, if I had really set my mind to it, I have learned now, that women going through divorces, can get a special low mortgage with some banks.  Women have to start working, even with young kids.  This was when I became a substitute teacher, and then worked in a health food store, then went back to substitute teaching, an ideal job for a young mother, because of the hours.  Plus, I could not drive at night, and teachers go home before dark. 
     For me, going back to school at thirty-eight, was kind of a mistake, I think, six years later, because my department was too competitive, and I did well, but it ended up a waste of time, because I could not finish.  However, there is much financial aid for single mothers who want to go to school, but I advise against loans.
     Lastly, if you have no other choice than to buy a trailer like I did, to own a home, then make the best of it.  You can fix it up with paint, carpentry, gardening, lighting, etc..  You may not be keeping up with the Jones's, but it works, and all you have to pay is lot rent, and that is not too much.
     Still, I regret not trying harder to keep the house, but this is the typical scenario in many cases of divorce.  My story is a little tragic, but I am sure others have difficulties too.  The end.

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