Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Most People Do Not Want Good Things For Others

     I have noticed in my life, that not everyone, but most people think that only they deserve good things.  Most people do not give a darn what happens to others.  They only care that they have what they want or need, or think they need.  Millionaires do not share. 
     I admit a rich, kind person did pay for funerals for soldiers who the military could not pay for the funerals for, due to the government shutdown, due to altruistic values.  That was good of them.  What is going on in this country is bad, and it is not really one sided.  I think they are all bad, Republicans, Democrats, I hate them all now.  Well, I do not hate them, but I think Obama acts more like it is parliament in a socialist country.  Who knows maybe his healthcare thing is okay, but it sure is unpopular, so maybe popular opinion is right.  I really do not know.
     We have survived a government shut down in Clinton days, and I love Clinton, so maybe it will be alright in the end.
     I just think that people are jealous and selfish, and even if they have everything, they do not want anyone to have anything.  The reason I have come to feel that Meher Baba and the center is phony, is because I grew up there, and now they want the house I grew up in, even though it is not theirs, but my mother does not care for me enough to fight them, or really try to help me.  She tried to fix me up with some jerk from California, so I would go live in California, and just not be here, so it won't matter when she dies and the center takes the home she and my father bought the land for, built and paid for, built and paid for the road, and paid taxes all the years.
     I hate the Meher Spiritual Center.  I really do.  It is not a spiritual center at all.  Not in my book.

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