Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Danger of Staying in a Bad Relationship Too Long; Definition of Bad; Breaking the Chain of Codependence; Reinventing You

     Never be a door mat.  Never accept the unacceptable.  Never let someone disrespect you.  If you are married with kids and financial assets, it is harder to break away, although I had that and it broke apart.  However, I can understand wanting to stay with someone you truly built a life with, if you possibly can, but if that person is unfaithful, and forgiveness is something you cannot muster up, then maybe it is time to walk away.  It depends.
     After my marriage broke up, I was in my early thirties, and I had the world at my fingertips.  I just did not know it.  I was beautiful, talented, had a nice house, got a job, was a good mother, but I did not believe in myself as much as I should have, in retrospect.
     I still had my essence, but after my marriage ended, I got involved with the wrong guy, and stayed too long.  I finally lost me.  I found myself again, finally, but only when it was over.  I allowed myself to be downgraded and disrespected, even brow beaten.  I stopped believing in me.  I stopped loving me, because I believed the lies.  I was stupid. 
     After coming up through the wreckage of my life, I reinvented myself, and had to find my essence.  I am still getting it back, and I freed myself long ago.  The problem is, it is hard for the bitterness to go away.  No matter how much you pray, meditate, do yoga, learn a Course in Miracles, you cannot really outlive the jadedness, the disappointment in life. 
     So, now I know life is far from over, and I have by no means given up, although sometimes I think I should, I still have regrets, and I know that is not a good thing.  So, never stay in a bad relationship for years out of codependence, fear, loneliness, addiction to that person.  Find yourself.  Free yourself.  Love yourself.  If Jennifer Aniston, as beautiful as she is, could live without Brad Pitt, you can live without anyone.  That is how I feel.  Someone being good looking, sexy or having charisma, is not a reason to stay.  While others may adore him/ her, you know the real monster inside that person.  They do not.  If they had to live with them, then they would know.
     But, we have a choice.  We can be treated like crap or walk away.  I say walk away with your dignity in tact, before it is just too damned late.

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