Monday, August 19, 2013

There are Many Types of People

     Some people always beat themselves up.  Some people always feel like victims, and some think the world revolves around them.
     "Knock knock."
     "Who's there?"
     That's our little Course in Miracles joke that a friend named Faye made up.  It's silly, but it always makes me laugh, especially when she says it.  The most freeing thing for me was realizing I was nobody.  I have been treated like a second class citizen a lot, so I should have known it for a long time.
     The thing is, not everything is about you, as I said before, or me.  Even the things in our own life we either feel guilty about or blame people about, are not necessarily about us.  I learned this lesson when I told someone close to me that I was sorry about something from long ago.  The thing I was sorry about was for the best for them, but with my egocentric thinking, I thought everything was about me and my own relationship to someone I love, but other people have other ways of seeing things. 
     We may feel like a failure as a parent, but perhaps it was not about us, but more about your child and their other parent, and so forth.  There are infinite variations of how this could be, infinite relationship situations.
      If you look at your own life, you may find examples of the same thing.
     But then again, there are many types of people.  There's a joke in twelve step programs, 'some are sicker than others.'

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