Thursday, August 22, 2013

Why I Am No Longer a Chopra Fan in a Big Way

     I do not like to say anything negative about anyone, but truthfully those closest to me, know I backbite big time, sometimes, but not usually.
     I do not like to talk too badly about celebrities, and now that I am on twitter, and I have been a semi-public figure for a while now, since my blogs are popular on Google, including American Boys, and I have a Youtube channel with my music and talks, I am especially conscientious, but I have a bone to pick with Deepak Chopra PhD.
     I have been a big fan of Dr. Chopra, and have read many of his books, including Ultimate Prescription for Happiness, The Third Jesus, his book on child rearing, which was excellent, and inspired one of my first, if not first blog articles, and many others, as well as listening to him speak on videos on topics from gun violence not belonging in a civilized society to the meaning of life.
     Remember, I am a Reiki Master, so do not think I am closed minded when I say this, but Chopra's views on medicine, western medicine, I feel are elitist, untrue and misguided.  I will tell you why.
     When it comes to medicine, traditional medicine vs. alternative medical modalities, which my work falls into, poor people on Medicare and/ or Medicaid, as well as Social Security, SSI or both, retired or disabled, cannot afford fancy alternatives.  These health care programs do not pay for that stuff.
     Secondary, he says that people should address the cause for depression and anxiety, rather than take medication.  He claims they stop working, and the patient needs more, but that is a complete falsehood.  I know from experience of my own and others, that a person can take the same amount of medication for years and years, and never need more, perhaps may need less.  I agree that issues should be addressed, and counseling can help, as well as books, meditation, yoga, exercise, nutrition and self-help, in general, but to tell people who have biochemical diseases such as bipolar, depression or schizophrenia, an organic brain disease, that they do not need their medication, is not only ignorant, but utterly irresponsible.  If you ever had a family member with schizophrenia, you would surely know that.
     I would try to address Dr. Chopra, but he is too rich, powerful, and untouchable, and I think as unaware and disconnected as Mitt Romney, if not more so.  I am sorry, but I know why people have been telling me for years, that they do not care for Chopra.  That is why they call him Deep pockets Chopra, lol, just kidding, or not, as I say.

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