Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to Know If the Relationship You Are in Is a Healthy One

     In the eighties there were relationship workshops in Los Angeles where I lived with my ex-husband.  One we did was 'Loving Relationships' based on Louise Haye's book.
     Now I have a theory that there are seven ways of knowing whether or not a relationship is a loving one or a healthy one.  I realize that there is probably some love in even a bad relationship, but it may not be enough to make the relationship stable.
     Here are questions one can ask oneself: 1) Do I truly feel comfortable in this relationship or do I feel like the other shoe is going to drop?  2) Am I stressed at work and screwing up at my responsibilities, such as driving my car or taking care of my child?   3) Do I truly trust this person with money, my life, my child, my dog...?  4) Do the requests of the person I am with make me uncomfortable in any way, such as financial, something involving physical or social intimacy, or wanting me to live somewhere that I do not want to?  5) Do I fight with this person a lot, or is our relationship loving a good bit of time?  6) Do I get a sense that my partner is interested or thinking about someone else?   And finally, 7) Am I taking more of my share of responsibility in terms of house work, money making, bill paying or is it fairly balanced, where if one person is doing one part, the other does the other part?
     If the answer was negative on four of these, you need to take another look at things, rethink, regroup, and maybe say goodbye.  If you answered positively to four out of seven, then you may just need to work on the other three.  If you answered negatively to most, then you should get out as fast as you can, and if you answered positively to most, consider your mate a keeper!  Do not despair if the results of these questions are bad, just realize that the sooner you face the truth, the better chance for a truly loving relationship.
     One more love tip: if you are torn between two lovers and cannot make up your mind, close your eyes.  The one who steps forward is the one, the one who appears first.  If someone completely different, like someone you do not even know yet, then it means that neither is the one, because someone else is coming your way, who you are going to be with.
     The Romanies had a wicca spell to see who to pick, but I am not much for white magic anymore, or psychics.  I think the answers are within ourselves.  Just keep doing yoga and meditation, and keep the chakras open and aligned.  The third eye knows the answer, for the sixth chakra, the third eye, is the chakra of illumination, enlightenment, knowledge and insight, beyond the sight of physical eyes.  The more my eye sight diminishes, the more sight I have from within.  Namaste.

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