Monday, September 16, 2013

Gossip is Poison/ No Intent to Help

     I recently made a blunder.  I blogged about a misfortune, but what I learned was that no one wanted to help me, that it only gave fuel to gossip.  Yes, people gossiped, and it got back to me, but no one offered to help me.  My bad.  I never should have aired anything about what was going on, on my blog, and especially should not have posted on facebook.
     People mean to be good and kind, but no one who spoke about my ordeal, ever offered to help in any way, while they called themselves a part of a spiritual community.  Only two people, other than my mother or sister, ever offered me help, out of the whole Baba community, other than my lawyer, and a girlfriend, who is a lawyer, and lives two-thousand miles from me.  One of those two people, was living in New York State at the time, not even here.  Well, that is just bull crap.  People are selfish, self-centered, self-serving m- f-ers!
     Just like some dumb church, people run their mouths about people with zero intention to ever help them in any way.  The more I know about this world, the less I like or wish to be a part of it.  People are two faced, back stabbing, hypocrites, who turn a blind eye on anyone in need, just like the bogus churches.  Next time you talk about someone else's misfortune, perhaps ask oneself, have I offered my assistance?  Have I gone to the source?  What is my reason for spreading this?  Are my intentions well meaning, or am I just looking for something to gab about, at another person's expense?  Most likely, this talk is to come of no good, and leads to nothing positive.  Unless you want to help someone, shut your mouth about it, and I will in the future refrain from talking about my personal life, even if it is a huge injustice.  There is no point in me telling about anything, if the reaction is hateful and lacking in any human kindness of any sort.  And where the hell is Meher Baba, the so called compassionate father, in all of that?

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