Monday, September 16, 2013

Benifits of Yoga

     There are many benefits in doing yoga.  Deep breathing and chakra meditation are helpful too.  Yoga helps you to relax, to sleep better, and keeps the body toned and in touch.
     There are things which can enhance your yoga practice, especially if doing at home.  One is a candle, then some incense.  I like to set an intent, a purpose, something to let go of.  I find that if I set an intention, such as letting go of guilt, for example, helps me to release that.
     When you meditate, see the colors of each chakra, as you go into alignment.  Do no harm.  Only do what your body is comfortable with, and rest in child's pose or relax, lying on your back, if you become tired.  Remember to breath.  Just breath through the nose, the entire time.
     You will sleep better, if at night, and you will have more energy to start the day, if in the morning.  Yoga can even make one euphoric at times.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga helps to improve our metabolism. An improved metabolism aids in burning off extra calories. This brings us to another popular benefit of yoga - weight loss and maintenance. Yoga poses help to burn off fat. With an improved metabolic rate and proper diet one is able to successfully maintain the right weight.

    yoga benefits for men
