Thursday, December 12, 2013

Stop Being Someone that Somebody Else Wants You to Be; Be Yourself No Matter What

     In my last blog, I talked about change and moving on.  I am a strong believer in this.  For years I have studied the I Ching, also known as 'the book of change.'  In Chinese philosophy and other philosophies as well, even Christian, change is always going to be the state of the world, life, existence.
     As much as one may want to resist change, that will only exist one, because change is inevitable, in one way or another. 
     Recently, I have changed my life in many ways, not all by my own choice exactly, but fully knowing what was best for my soul.  I cannot be anyone I am not.  I have been there, done that, in relationships in the past, and the definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over, expecting different results.
     I would never ever try to be anything or anyone I am not.  At one time, I would.  I was sort of born in the wrong time, wrong place, wrong family, wrong everything.  Many people feel this way, and so we seek out wrong everything and everyone, because we think we do not deserve better than always being second best, second fiddle, and less than all the time.
     Those of us, who are not from loving homes, seek people out, subconsciously, because we do not feel we deserve any better than this.  This is very sad, because every person is a beautiful child of God.  They just do not know it.
      Our society and culture preaches and teaches, 'specialness,' something obsolete in its falsehood.  A Course in Miracles explains this well.
     There was a time in my youth, no matter how gorgeous, intelligent, and talented I was, I would feel less than a man, and feel lucky to have him at all, because I was never taught in any way, to love or value myself.
      Things have not changed, in terms of sexism.  As many videos I have produced for my Youtube channel, the only one that got many, many hits, was the one interviewing my brother.  Why?  It is simple.  He is male.  I am female.  Females will always be less than males in the world's view.  We have an African American president, but will we ever really have a woman president or even vice president?
      Stop being who your parental figures in your head want, or a stupid spouse wants.  Be who you truly, truly are, a beautiful child of God.  They cannot touch that, no matter how hard they try.

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