Monday, September 16, 2013

Questions I Hate and Why I Hate Them

     Maybe I just have a complex, but there are questions I hate.  Why?  I hate these because I feel I am being singled out for these type of questions, because I am either visually impaired, not wealthy, or do not have a car, or maybe they just think I am weird.  Perhaps they think I am a loser or I just do not have a life.
     The first one is, "what do you do all day?"  This either implies I have no obvious purpose, I have a boring life, or I am a major loser.  The next one is, and mind you, not everyone asks these questions, I just hate it when they do: "where do you find the time to do all this...?," writing, sewing, crocheting, singing, or whatever they think I am able to do a lot of.  It seems ironic, considering the fact that they wonder what I do all day.  I have the same number of hours in a day as everyone else on this planet.
     Last, but not least, I hate to be asked, "what do you for fun?"  What do others do for fun?  What kind of fun?  What is fun?  Riding a roller coaster?  Going on a picnic?  Truthfully, I live my life, and some things are fun, and some more like work, but I do not go around thinking, 'gee what will I do for fun today?'  I just do not think that way, and anyway, I just think it is a rhetorical or odd question.  So, there you go, the questions I hate.
     So, do you want to know what I think would be better questions?  Do you want to know what I think would be better comments?  The other one is "how do you get around?"  Perhaps my life is not their business.  Could I be too guarded.  I think a good question is something that makes me feel like an equal, rather than a weird person.  For example: "are you seeing anyone?," or "what project are you working on?," or "what is life like as a visually impaired person in a town with no public transportation?," and/ or "are you close to your family?," and "I imagine you have friends." 
     Last but not least, they could say, "you do really well with your life," or "you must have some lasting connections, being from this town."

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