I am trying to be more mindful about my eating habits, chewing more slowly, being more selective, and taking more time preparing food.
Like colors, music and everything else, I think the body has a way of telling you what you need to be healthy. The key is paying attention. I suppose this is true about everything.
I like kefir better than yogurt, because it is 99% lactose free, and is loaded with healthy probiotics. It is cheaper than probiotics, but more expensive than yogurt, and better for the lactose intolerant.
I also like antioxidant full fruit juices like pomegranate and blueberry juice. Smoothies make you feel so great. They can be incredibly refreshing. I stayed with a lady in Charleston, who made lots of smoothies. I felt like I was at a health spa, not to mention she had a pool. This was a couple of summers ago, but if you have a blender, there are so many smoothies you can make, chocolate and coffee, green vegetables, blue green algae. Whatever you want, and they are colorful too, with no additives.
A friend gave me a gigantic papaya, which is good for the stomach and digestion. I hate the look of the seeds though, so I get rid of those immediately. I suppose they look like caviar, but not in a good way. Just a little humor.
Alfalfa sprouts are always a favorite for me, although I could not live on them. I like them with cheese, tomato and avocado on a sandwich.
I will be drinking lots of kefir and smoothies this summer, with the occasional ice coffee. Coffee does have antioxidants like chocolate, so it is not all bad. It stimulates the lungs as well, and is good for asthma.
I think the body has a way of telling you what is good for you, but sometimes a kinesiologist can help figure out what you need, if it is covered by your insurance. I am a realist.
I am a strong believer in omega fatty acids, calcium, magnesium and zinc and for those with retinitis pigmentosa, vitamin A palmitate, no vitamin E, and no MSG. Otherwise, if you do not suffer from RP like me and many of my new support group friends, vitamin E is probably good for you. You can still put it on your skin either way. I know it helps the skin to heal. I am also an avid believer in B-complex. Folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin and other B vitamins are necessary for hair growth, skin, nervous system, and stress. Pregnant women are much in need of these, especially the folic acid, which can be obtained in orange juice.
Cooking is easier in summer, because you can eat more raw food, and cook less soups, but there are really good cold soups too.
Protein is something vegetarians and meat eaters do not always agree on. I think protein is good for keeping good muscle tone. You know how if you lose too much weight, you lose muscle mass, so if you want to build up, and are into working out, protein can be obtained from meat, fish, poultry, legumes, tofu, dairy if it sits okay with you, and soy, which is what tofu is from.
Mostly, it is good to eat mindfully. I prefer free range eggs and chicken. I am gluten and dairy free mostly, but I do eat some rye bread, and I have a little bit of half & half in my coffee, as well as occasional cheese and yogurt. I prefer soy milk.
I think whatever you feel good eating is what is good for you, but you really need five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.